17 Walden Street Winthrop, MA 02152  | (617) 539-4405  | info@bostontkdfitness.com

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17 Walden Street Winthrop, MA 02152  | (617) 539-4405  | info@bostontkdfitness.com

Facebook  Instagram Yelp  Youtube

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Introductory 3-Class Trial Offer $19.99

Includes a Free Uniform for Martial Arts &
Free Kickboxing Gloves for Adult Fitness

Martial Arts

Changing the future one belt at a time.

Adult Fitness

Leave your ego at the door, get fit, sweat & smile!

Meet Our Staff

Our professional and caring staff love what they do and do what they love – and it shows. With years of experience in a range of disciplines, we look forward to helping you find what you enjoy too!

Martial Arts


Little Dragons - Ages 5 & 6

The biggest value your child can receive from an early start in martial arts is the life lessons it can teach you. Respect is instilled from the very first lesson.


Youth - Ages 7 through 12

Practicing martial arts has numerous benefits for children that go far beyond self defense and fitness.


Teens - Ages 13 through 17

Your teen won't be cut from a team and martial arts doesn't require any prior experience or specific skill set.

Vinny & Erin

Adults - Ages 18 and over

With adult martial arts, you learn self-defense while getting in shape at the same time.

Kickboxing at Boston TKD Fitness


This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and advanced athlete alike! All levels are welcome!

Lisa Personal Training Jeralyn at Boston TKD Fitness

Personal Training

With the right trainer, there are no limits. Set your goals and we will tear down walls TOGETHER and unlock a happier you!

Parents Night Out!

Members Birthday Parties

themed workouts!